Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Sega Console coming in 2010?

I was bored like shit so I googled about some a upcoming Sega gaming console. In my childhood years that's all I would play Sega, Sega. It would be great for Sega to make a incredible impact and which will cause tension between the gaming companies.
Supposedly its called "RingEdge" coming out in 2010 IDk..
Here's more info


  1. i wanted to know what you think the best games out this year and for what platform you like playing them

  2. I'm pretty late haha. Me personally I'm not a real real real big gamer fanatic like I used to be. Don'g get me wrong now, I was huge with gaming craze, but I just grew out of it! I still play games but not like I used to tho...for your question I would say "Batman Arkham Asylum, NBA 2K, Forza Motorsport 3 and Left 4 Dead 2 also cal of duty modern warfare 2.
